Our anticipated Physical Education and Sports Premium for 2017/ 2018 is £19,580.
How we intend to use this funding against the key indicators outlined by the DFE;
To continue to engage all pupils in regular physical activity (at least 30 minutes per day)
- Continue to provide high quality active play and sports activities at lunchtimes. These will be provided by specialist sports coaches.
- To further engage inactive pupils through competitive sports (identified pupils are included in sporting events).
To continue to raise the profile of PE and sport across the academy.
- Ensure the academy achieves the Gold Sports mark for the third consecutive year , in order that we eligible for the platinum award the following academic year.
- Promote our sporting achievements across the St. Bart’s Trust.
To continue to increase and build the confidence, knowledge and skills in all staff in the teaching of Physical Education.
- Complete an audit of teaching staff skills and expertise identifying gaps in knowledge, in order that continued professional development can be targeted to meet the needs of all teaching staff.
- Support Newly Qualified staff in the delivery of high quality teaching of Physical Education (utilise the expertise of the PE leader and specialist sports coach).
To continue to enhance the range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
- Trial additional alternative sports.
- Further enhance links between the academy and community clubs.
To increase participation in competitive sport.
- Increase the number of girls involved in competitive sport.
- Purchase new resources and equipment to enable participation in a wider range of competitive sports.