Our approach to teaching pupils with SEN
Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class including those with SEN.
▪ Quality first teaching is provided to all pupils and is our first step in supporting pupils who have SEN. Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of ALL pupils in their class, including those with SEND,
▪ All children are entitled to have access to high quality learning opportunities and appropriate resources to meet their individual needs. Pupils have access to a range of visual concrete apparatus and multi-sensory approaches to learning. All pupils from year 1 to year 6 have an individual IPAD to enhance their learning, the outdoor environment is used as a teaching resource to engage and support the learning of pupils.
▪ Pupils are supported in class with the assistance of the learning environment (learning walls, table prompts, and Maths toolkits), peers, additional staff, technology and mastery teaching. Mastery teaching ensures access to the curriculum for all pupils and is delivered in small steps allowing pupils to ‘keep up, not catch up’. The promotion of a growth mindset supports all pupils in believing that everyone can achieve, creating the opportunity for success.
Provision to support access to the Curriculum may include:
▪ Use of working wall/ vocabulary displays
▪ Working in of Kagen groups
▪ Working as a guided group with additional adult support
▪ Use of stem sentences
▪ Use of different structures and representations
▪ Mastery seating approach
▪ Sharing the WAGOLL
▪ Sharing reading texts and vocabulary multiple times
▪ Chunking the lesson into parts
▪ Opportunities for talking about their learning
▪ Use of scaffolds
▪ Flexible seating and groupings
▪ Visual, concrete practical resources
▪ Use of multi-sensory approaches
▪ Pre teaching vocabulary.
▪ Visual timetables.
▪ Use of Now – Next cards
▪ Use of ICT –IPad whiteboard, accessibility tools, voice notes
▪ Small group or 1:1 support from the Teacher or Learning Support Assistant
▪ Guided group work with an adult
▪ Paired work / peer support
▪ Use of iPads to enable pupils to access personalised intervention tasks linked to their passport targets
▪ Where a pupil is working at Well Below in Reading, Writing or Maths they may be provided with differentiated, personalised learning tasks. These pupils are likely to be in receipt of an EHCP.