How is my child involved in decisions about their education?

Involving pupils with Special Educational Needs in their education

  • ·       Pupils with SEN have Pupil Passports and Individual Education Health Care Plans, which set out their individual needs, targets and the support needed to achieve them. As part of this, pupils are consulted each term to review these and asked for their views.
    ·       At SEN Support this includes ‘what I want you to know’, ‘what I am good at’ and ‘what I like’. As part of EHC reviews as set out by the Local Authority, pupils share, ‘what is important to me’, ‘what people like about me and what I like about myself’, ‘how best to support me’ and ‘how best to communicate with me’.
    ·       During the termly SEN Review meetings with teachers and parents/carers, pupils share their views on they progress.
    ·       Park Hall Academy, actively listen to the Pupil Voice of all children in school, including those with identified Special Educational Needs.
    ·       The SENCo and Senior Leadership Team may also gather pupil’s views during pupil interviews throughout the year.
    ·       There are opportunities to take on leadership roles throughout the school such as Pupil Parliament and leadership roles for Well-Being, Apple and Sports Ambassadors. Staff and parents support pupils  in applying for these roles support them.