What expertise and training have the staff supporting learners with SEN received?

Staff Expertise and Training  
·       The SENCo, Mrs Bunn has the NASENCO (National Award for SEN Coodination) and Post Graduate Certificate in Special Needs Coordination.
·       There is a wealth of subject expertise within our academy. We have Specialist Leaders of Education for Early Years, Phonics and Maths, who are all involved in supporting staff in our own academy and across the St Bart’s Academy Trust – ‘Release Potential Together’
·       We are highly committed to providing opportunities for the continuing development of all staff. Learning and teaching staff, take on an active role in their own development in order to meet the needs of all of the pupils that they teach and support.
·       Safeguarding training is regularly reviewed (at least annually) alongside monthly safeguarding bulletins. All staff are at least Level 1 Safeguarding trained.
·       Learning Support Assistants are all highly skilled in their roles and receive on-going training in a variety of interventions led by the Senior Leadership Team, SENCo, EHSLW, other staff or other agencies where necessary.
·       Continued Professional Development is delivered ongoing and is linked to the needs of the academy and our children.
·       All staff including Senior Leaders (NPQSL), Class Teachers, SENCo, Extended Home School Link Worker and Learning Support Assistants attend courses to develop specific skills for supporting children, linked to the School Development Plan and recommended by Senior Leadership Team.
·       We can refer to the Speech and Language Service and Camhs to support pupils with SEN.Specialist support can also be secured  as part of the graduated approach from the Stoke  Inclusive Learning Service and Educational Psychologist, Dr. Alison Smedley, to support  staff working with pupils with SEND.
·        In addition school access the support of an NHS Mental Health Well-Being Practictioner who can support children around some aspects or well-being such as low mood, anxiety, transition alongside parental involvement.

Staff Expertise and Training  

  • There is a wealth of subject expertise within our academy. We have Specialist Leaders of Education for Early Years, Phonics and Maths, who are all involved in supporting staff in our own academy and across the St Bart’s Academy Trust – ‘Release Potential Together’
  • We are highly committed to providing opportunities for the continuing development of all staff. Learning and teaching staff, take on an active role in their own development in order to meet the needs of all of the pupils that they teach and support. 
  • Safeguarding training is regularly reviewed (at least annually) alongside monthly safeguarding bulletins. All staff are at least Level 1 Safeguarding trained. 
  • Support staff are all highly skilled in their roles and receive on-going training in a variety of interventions led by the SENCO, Senior Leadership Team,  other staff or  agencies 
  • Continued Professional Development is delivered ongoing and is linked to the needs of the academy and our children. 
  • All staff including Senior Leaders, Class Teachers, Senco, Extended Home School Link Worker and Learning Support Assistants attend courses to develop specific skills for supporting children, linked to the School Development Plan and recommended by Senior Leadership Team.