How equipment and facilities to support children and young people with Special Educational Needs will be secured.
The type of support, equipment and facilities needed to support children with SEN is led by the child’s individual need. Children with an ‘Education, Health Care Plan’ will have an amount of time to be given as a minimum, to ensure that they are able to meet their targets. Their EHCP clearly lays out the type of support needed as a recommendation.
Other children will also receive support linked to their needs as indicated on their Individual Education Plan. This support may take various forms:
In class support from teaching assistants
Small group support
Specialist 1:1 support
Support from external agencies
Provision of specialist resources
Tracking of progress and analysing individual pupil data highlights children who are not making expected progress. Children are given additional and differentiated support and Interventions are put in place to support their learning and the impact of that provision measured. These interventions and their impact are recorded in the pupil’s Personalised Learning Books.
If interventions are not having the expected impact, then the SENCO may refer to external professionals in discussion with parents to enable further support to be provided.