How the school evaluates the effectiveness of its provision for such pupils.
The provision put into place for a pupil with Special Educational Needs is regularly reviewed through on going assessments throughout the term. The impact of interventions is measured at the start and end of the period of the intervention and its impact reviewed each term by class teachers. This information is shared with the SENCO through termly provision meetings and with parents through termly review meetings. To ensure pupils are making progress, their progress is tracked on the school’s data tracking system and this data is analysed.
Pupils with an EHC PLAN have an annual review, where the provision of the EHC PLAN outcomes are reviewed, amended and new outcomes are set, depending on the progress made.
Arrangements for assessing and reviewing pupils progress towards outcomes
Every child is entitled to quality first teaching. To ensure this, the Senior Leadership Team will monitor through:-
. Formal and Informal lesson observations
. Book Trawls and Planning Scrutinies
. Pupil Progress Meetings
. Analysis of data
. Pupil Conversations
. Parent conversations
. Appraisals
To ensure quality and personalised provision the SENCO will monitor through:-
. Personalised Learning Book monitoring
. Provision maps
. Analysis of data
. Observation of interventions
. Reviews with class teachers and parents
. Pupil conversations
. Parent conversations
- Pupil’s attainment is assessed at the beginning of an intervention and then at the end, to review the progress made.
- All pupils are assessed through careful marking including providing the children with closing the gap comments and a target set, to be met during ‘Mindset Moments’. (Daily opportunities for pupils to respond to feedback from Teachers).
- Parents are invited to attend Assertive Mentoring meetings with their child during the Autumn and Spring terms and there is a written report sent in the Summer term. At Assertive Mentoring Meetings, a child’s attainment will be clearly shared with parents, progress towards expected outcomes measured and new targets set. Staff will discuss the ways in which parents can support their child with their learning.
- If at any time parents and/or teachers are concerned about any issue or progress of a pupil, then additional meetings will be arranged at a mutually convenient time at any period throughout the year.
- Homework is usually sent home on a weekly basis linked to either work in class or to target an identified need for an individual child.
- Any targets for children with SEND will be recorded on an Individual Education Plan and Pupil Passport which will be shared with their parents at termly meetings. As part of this, teachers will ask parents to work on specified targets at home. These plans are reviewed with parents and children and then the next steps for learning are identified.
Park Hall Academy believes that parents are their children’s primary educators. We encourage an active partnership between home and school.
- The school curriculum is available on the school website for parents to view.
- We deliver curriculum learning events and parent workshops that help families understand our expectations and how they can best support their child’s learning.
- Parents are invited into the classroom every term for Team events to support their child in their learning.
- In our newsletter and on our website, we regularly share information about the curriculum.
- We encourage parents to support their child’s development by engaging with activities outside of school hours.
- All children receive homework every week. Reading books and communication diaries are provided.
- Learning Targets are shared during Assertive Mentoring meetings.
- Parents are invited to Parent Consultation Evenings.
- The Pastoral Manager is always on hand to discuss ways to support your child at home.
- At our Family Learning workshops, parents are invited to learn alongside their children. These workshops include design/technology, cooking, maths, story book making and art activities. We aim to link family learning opportunities to our School Improvement Plans.
The academy’s approach to teaching pupils with Special Educational Needs
- Staff at Park Hall support all pupils through a broad and balanced differentiated curriculum.
- Parents in Early Years are invited into school at the start and end of each day to talk to their child’s key worker, while their child self-registers and accesses the day’s learning opportunities.
- In Early Years, parents are encouraged to recognise their child’s achievements outside school and put these achievements on the ‘Celebration, Achievements Tree’, which is in the Foundation Stage Unit.
- All pupils with special educational needs have Personalised Learning Books from nursery to year 6, which address their specific Individual Education Plan targets and progresses their learning.
- Where a child has a disability, reasonable adjustments will be put into place to support a child.
- If a child has a learning need then he or she will receive appropriately differentiated work to allow them to make progress at their level.
- If a child has medical needs then a care plan will be put into place.
- Tracking of progress and analysing individual pupil data highlights children who are not making expected progress. Interventions are then put in place to support their learning.
How the academy adapts the curriculum and learning environment for pupils with Special Educational Needs
- Our Creative Curriculum is broad and balanced to meet everyone’s needs. Pupil’s contribute to the shaping of the curriculum and regularly make suggestions that help to inform the teacher’s planning.
- At the start of each topic a KWL grid is completed by the children. This shares what children already know about a topic, (Knowledge) what they would like to know, (Wonder) and what they have learnt by the end of the topic. (Learning)
- In Early Years the curriculum is planned based on the child’s needs and interests and parents are consulted about what engages their child throughout the year.
- All learning is carefully planned to take account of individual needs.
- All children are entitled to have access to high quality learning opportunities and appropriate resources to meet their individual needs.
- Those who need extra help will be provided with small group support in class.
- Children who require further support will be provided with personalised learning which includes specific interventions and additional 1 to 1 support.
- Data tracking will highlight particular groups needing additional or different provision.
- The outdoor environment is used as a teaching resource to engage and support the learning of pupils.
- Weekly Mega mind and Grasp Challenges, highlight any gaps in children’s learning and teachers plan and address their gaps in the next session.
- At the end of each half-termly unit, each child carries out a self-assessment, which shows their level of engagement and enjoyment in each unit of learning. This enables the curriculum to be adapted as a result of pupil feedback.
Additional support for learning that is available to pupils with Special Educational Needs
- Children’s individual needs are assessed and resources are allocated based on need. These resources include additional group support in class, 1:1 sessions, support through our Pastoral team and equipment to allow access to the curriculum.
- We seek advice on supporting our children from a variety of outside agencies including the Speech and Language therapist, Occupational Therapist, Educational Psychologist, SEND Services and Our Health Nursing Team.
- Budgets are closely monitored to ensure funds and staffing are best allocated to meet the needs of all children. Provision is reviewed regularly to ensure that there has been an impact on pupil progress and this ensures that funding is spent to ensure that all children make at least good progress. This ensures that interventions are appropriately matched to pupil’s needs and are delivered by a team of highly trained teaching support staff.
- Termly provision mapping identifies the support that each child on the SEN register is receiving. The school seeks to ensure best value by regularly measuring the impact of interventions on pupil attainment.
How the school enables pupils with special educational needs to engage in activities of the school together with children who do not have Special Educational Needs.
- All children are included in school trips. Staff carefully select transport, activities and venues that are suitable for all children.
- All children are included in school clubs.
- All children are included in all aspects of school life wherever possible, careful risk assessments and extra support is put in place where necessary.
- At Park Hall we are committed to equal opportunities and the school provides opportunities which are open to all pupils.
- The school seeks to make reasonable adjustments to adapt any activity to enable all children to participate in school life.
Support that is available for improving the emotional, mental and social development of children
- A dedicated team of professionals, ensure that your child meets their full potential. These include teachers and learning support assistants in the classroom, the SENCO, Early Years Intervention Leader and our Pastoral Manager.
- Pupils are encouraged and given opportunities to talk about their well-being, through lessons, as part of their Spiritual, Moral and Cultural Development, circle time, assemblies and informal conversations with staff and the Pastoral team.
- Individual health care plans are in place and reviewed annually, supported by the Local Authority Assessment and Monitoring Team.
- Attendance is monitored rigorously by the school’s attendance team, which is made up of the Principal, the school attendance officer and the school attendance governor. Parents are informed termly about their child’s attendance, as we seek to develop the partnership between home and school.
- Our Pastoral Manager provides support for our vulnerable families from the onset and seeks to work in partnership with families. We welcome parents who have any concerns linked to their child’s well-being, to come into school to discuss support opportunities. If a child appears to be upset, we will speak to parents and offer support to the child and their family.
- The school actively seeks to support children and their families through Early Help and intervention
- All staff are trained in safeguarding to at least level 1 and this training is revisited annually. All staff recognise that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.