Policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with Special Educational Needs

Policies for the identification and assessment of pupils with Special Educational Needs

At Park Hall we are committed to Multi-Agency working. On occasions, outside agencies inform the school of a child’s needs prior to their entry into school.

Children are assessed at the start of the Nursery year as part of the baseline assessment for the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. We use this information as starting points for learning and to develop a personalised learning journey which shows appropriate support and challenge for every child. As part of the induction process, parents are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the class teacher and the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). 

There is rigorous tracking of pupil progress in all year groups which is analysed by staff at half termly pupil progress meetings. We expect that all pupils achieve at least the expected level of development and we set ambitious targets to ensure that all learners are challenged to achieve their potential.

Pupils that are not making expected progress are given individual support or small group support. Interventions may be adapted as appropriate.

We hold Assertive Mentoring meetings in the Autumn and Spring terms, where progress, attainment, targets and other concerns are discussed. At these meetings, a child who has been identified as having a Special Educational Need, will have their individual targets and Pupil Passport discussed within this meeting.


What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs? 

If parents have any concerns, they should speak to the class teacher in the first instance. If parents have concerns prior to their child joining the school, either going into the Foundation Stage or at any point, parents should ensure that the school are aware of their concerns as soon as possible so that relevant support can be put into place ready for their child’s arrival. This will help to ensure that children settle quickly into school and that the appropriate support is in place to help each child.