We believe in building strong partnerships with parents and welcome parents to participate in school life.
- Prior to a pupil going on to the SEN Register, parents are invited for an initial consultation meeting where the types of provision and support to be put in place are discussed.
- The school involves parents in their child’s learning through Assertive Mentoring meetings, for a child with Special Educational Needs, the Assertive Mentoring Meeting will be an opportunity to discuss a child’s Pupil Passport and progress towards their individual targets. Parents are also invited to workshops. Our newsletters, assemblies and information provided on the website all contribute to ensuring that parents are fully involved in their child’s learning journey.
- During Assertive Mentoring meetings, a child’s attainment and progress is discussed with parents and new targets are set. Parents know how well their child is progressing and what steps are needed to ensure further progress.
- Our school curriculum is devised in consultation with all pupils and parents and this is available on the school website to ensure all parents are aware of their child’s current learning.
- We encourage parents to support their child’s learning through reading books and a wide variety of other homework activities.
- We provide opportunities for parents of children with Education Health Care Plans to come into school and celebrate their child’s learning on a weekly basis. Parents value this opportunity and this ensures that children recognise that both parents and the school are interested in their learning and wish to celebrate small steps of progress.
- Parents attend meetings with their child’s class teacher or SENCO if they have additional needs.
- Teachers can be available at the beginning and the end of the day to address any additional concerns.
- Family Learning Workshops allow parents to work alongside their children in school.
- We have a Park Hall Friends and Family Association which all parents are automatically members
- Our governing body has parent representatives who actively seek the views of other parents.