What is the process for identifying pupils with SEN and assessing their need?

1.     What is the process for identifying pupils with SEN and assessing their needs ?

• Class Teachers will make regular assessments of progress for all pupils and identify those whose progress:

–        Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
–        Fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
–        Fails to close the attainment gap between the child and their peers
–        Widens the attainment gap

• This may include progress in areas other than attainment, for example, social needs. Slow progress and low attainment will not automatically mean a pupil is recorded as having SEND.  When deciding whether special educational provision is required, we will start with the desired outcomes, including the expected progress and attainment, and the views and the wishes of the pupil and their parents. We will use this to determine the support that is needed and whether something different or additional is needed.
• Before your child enters our Early Years Foundation Stage, our staff contact parents/carers and carry out home visits. This involves discussing whether your child has already received any support for their needs. We also have discussions with previous settings or outside agencies involved to enable us to support your child best. If your child has a special need we will:

▪ Use the Assess, Plan, Do, Review Graduated Approach to supporting their needs.
▪ Talk to you about your child’s difficulties so we can understand their needs.
▪ Carry out assessments of your child’s learning so we know which skills they need to learn next.
▪ Support your child through interventions to support them in an area of their learning.
▪ Monitor their progress and discuss with parents on a termly basis.
▪ Seek advice from other services as appropriate.
▪ Tell you how to get in touch with Parent Partnership services (SENDIASS) who can offer advice and support.

§  All children are assessed at the start of the Nursery and Reception years as part of the baseline assessment for the Early Years Foundation using the Development Matters Tool. The language of all Nursery children is assessed using the Stoke Speaks out Early Communication Language Screening Tool. We use this information as starting points for learning and to develop a personalised learning journey, which provides appropriate support and challenge for every child. As part of the induction process, parents/carers are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the class teacher.
▪ There is rigorous tracking of pupil progress in all year groups, which is analysed by teaching staff and the Senior Leadership team at termly pupil progress meetings. We expect that all pupils achieve at least the expected level of progress and we set ambitious targets to ensure that all learners are challenged to achieve their potential.
▪ In deciding whether to make special educational provision for a pupil, the school will follow the Graduated Approach of Support outlined below.

Identification of SEN needs
At Step 1(Quality First Teaching), children will have been identified as presenting with some emerging difficulties in an aspect of learning. Eg literacy, numeracy, motor coordination, speech, language, behaviour, social, emotional and Quality First Teaching support will be in place to address their needs.
• Class Teacher will refer to the SEND Stoke Graduated Approach Range 1(Quality First Teaching) guidance and will ensure the characteristics of Quality First Teaching is in place.
•  Class Teacher will have identified the pupil to Assistant Principal & discussed as part of Raising Attainment Plan progress meetings.
•  If this level of support is not sufficient, Class Teacher will move pupil to Step 2 in consultation with parents/carers and discuss further support with parents/carers.

At Step 2 (Initial Support), the difficulties identified at Step 1 continue and there will have been no significant measured change in the target skill despite Quality First Teaching and Range 1 support.
▪ Based on the main area of concern, the Class Teacher will refer to the appropriate Stoke Graduated Approach Range 2 support document (Initial Concern) and implement further strategies to support the pupil.
▪ Class Teacher will complete the ‘Initial Consultation’ form with parents/carers and implement further strategies at Stoke Graduated Approach Range 2 and will inform the SENCo and Assistant Principal.
▪ After a period of initial support eg ½ term / term depending on severity of concern, the Class Teacher will review the provision put in place and discuss next steps with SENCo and Assistant Principal. Based on progress, a decision will be made to monitor or move to Step 3.
▪ Class Teacher will consult with parents and complete Initial Consultation Review.

At Step 3 (SEN SUPPORT) difficulties identified at Step 2 worsen and there is no significant measured change in the target skill despite Quality First Teaching and Range 1 and 2 support.
Children who have been identified as having SEN requiring provision that is additional to and different from the mainstream curriculum. (SEND Code of Practice 2015).
·       Additional assessments will be completed to support identification of need for the SEN Register and targets for the Pupil Passport.
·        Class Teacher, Assistant Principal and SENCo will meet to discuss assessment data and refer to SEND Stoke Graduated Approach Range 3 to identify the area of need if a pupil is moving to Sen Support.
·       Class Teacher will consult with parents/carers and complete the ‘Pupil Passport’ and follow: Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle. SEND Register parental consent will be given.
·        ‘Pupil Passport’ will be updated with new targets & reviewed by Class Teacher and discussed with parents/carers termly.
·       If difficulties become significant and enduring the school in collaboration with parents/carers will discuss whether access to specialist advice & assessment is required. If so, a referral to specialist services will be completed.
·       Following any Specialist team support for a child in school, report advice will be implemented and reviewed.

At Step 4, Enhanced SEND Support, children will have significant and persistent difficulties which significantly affect their access to the curriculum and school life.
• Following a review of specialist advice, Class Teacher, Vice Principal/Principal and SENCo will meet to discuss significant & persistent difficulties. Class Teacher & SENCo will meet with parents.
• A decision on making a case for an Education, Health, Care Plan will be made collaboratively by SENCo, Class Teacher, Vice Principal and Principal in consultation with parents/carers.
•  At a Local Authority (LA) panel review meeting, the LA will make a decision on whether to carry out an assessment of a child’s needs and following the assessment process the Local Authority will make a decision on whether to an issue a child with an Education, Health, Care plan to further meet their needs.

▪ School holds termly Teacher- Parent- Pupil Consultation meetings where progress, attainment and targets are discussed. A child, who has been identified as having a Special Educational Need, will also have their Pupil Passport targets discussed and reviewed with parents/carers in collaboration with the Class Teacher.
• If parents/carers have any concerns about their child, they should speak to the Class Teacher in the first instance. If parents/carers have concerns prior to their child joining the school, either going into the Foundation Stage or at any point, parents/carers should ensure that the school are aware of their concerns as soon as possible so that relevant support can be put into place ready for their child’s arrival. This will help to ensure that children settle quickly into school and that the appropriate support is in place to help each child.